Prayer is not a one-dimensional transaction

It’s an invitation to know the living God.
Throughout the life of Jesus, He regularly retreated from the responsibilities and expectations of life to be with the Father.

But the priority of prayer for Christians doesn’t begin and end with Jesus: it was a way of life for the people of God. Throughout the scriptures,  we read of people – individuals and communities – talking with God, being with Him and listening to Him. 

We are a people carrying the mandate of Isaiah 61, where the Spirit of God is upon us to bring transformation. In prayer, we commune with God and join Him in the transformation business.
Below is an invitation to join in, and how we here at Vineyard 61 are engaging with prayer.


Talk with

“Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed” Mark 1:35

When we pray as Jesus taught us, we inhabit his invitation to know Him. Praying the Lord’s prayer is not about ticking a box, it’s about allowing this simple habit to form you in the way and person of Christ. As you pray the Lord’s Prayer, allow the words to move you, invite you, and inspire you to have a personal conversation with God before you start your day.

Prayer Tool


Be with

“Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.” Psalm 46:10

The invitation of prayer is the invitation to be still — to stop playing God over your own life for a moment. To put productivity and busyness aside for a bit, release control, and return to the Good Shepherd. Philip Yancey describes prayer ‘as the act of seeing reality from God’s point of view’.  This midday invitation is to find a moment in the middle of your day, in the middle of being swept up in meetings, chores or errands to remember that we have the Good Shepherd with us. 

Prayer Tool


Listen to

“My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.John 10:27

To hear from God is the Spirit-generated desire in the heart of a disciple of Jesus, it is the place of knowing God. As disciples, we want to learn to not only recognise the voice of our Heavenly Father but also to follow His voice in our lives. To do this, sometimes it is better to notice the movements and perspective of God through reflection. The evening prayer practice is an invitation to reflect on your day to see where the Holy Spirit was present so that in the coming days you will recognise the transforming Presence that permeates our whole lives.

Prayer Tool

Sozo is a unique inner healing and deliverance ministry that helps deepen your relationship with God. By healing wounds and replacing lies believed with the truth, Sozo equips and enables you to walk free and fulfil your destiny.

SOZO is a Greek word found in scripture (108 times) and is translated
'saved - healed - delivered!'


Centering Prayer Group

John 15:7 says: "If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you". We aim to create space amid our busy London lives to practise abiding in Jesus together, experiencing his living water and expecting to become more like him in the process.


Come and enjoy our House of Prayer, a space with Jesus. Come and make yourself a tea or coffee, worship and pray!

Pray for yourself, pray for your family, pray for our church, pray for the wider church movement, pray for our city, pray for our nation, pray for our world.


House of Prayer FAQs

How Do I Book?

Head to the 24-7 prayer booking page create a login and book your slot!

Once you have booked a slot you will receive a confirmation email with details of how to get in.

The opening times are 9am-9pm daily. (we are working on making the space available earlier – please let us know if this is of interest)

How Do I Get In?

There is a locking key box to the right of the House of Prayer door where you can gain access to the House of Prayer. A code for the key box will be sent to you via your booking confirmation email sent to you once you book a slot.

What Do I Do When I'm There?

Enjoy the space with Jesus, make yourself a tea or coffee on the house, worship and pray!

Pray for yourself, pray for your family, pray for our church, pray for the wider church movement, pray for our city, pray for our nation, pray for our world.

How Do I Get There?

The House of Prayer (HoP) is located in our ‘Restore Balham’ building which is just a 3-minute walk from Balham station. Follow this link for Google Maps directions, or watch this video


Prayer Requests

We would love to pray for you for anything or talk through any questions you have.

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